Bardneshandeh Temple in Masjed Soleiman

Bardneshandeh Temple in Masjed Soleiman

Masjed Soleyman

Bardneshandeh Temple in Masjed Soleiman


There are many historical attractions around Masjed Soleiman that are little known. One of them is the temple of Bardneshandeh that is located in Jahangiri village, one of the Masjed Soleiman environs.  

You can find the remains of the oldest open temple of Iran in 16 kilometers of Masjed Soleiman and 13 kilometers of Azad University of Masjed Soleiman, in the road of Shahid Abbaspour dam.

As obvious by the sign of this temple, it backs to Parthian period. However, the research estimated the age of temple’s foundations to be the same as Acheamenid empire. What is clear, the age of inscription on the rocks of the temple reaches Parthian period. Some experts believe that here is the temple of Hercules that was built in Seleucid period and some other reject this hypothesis based upon the style of Seleucid architecture.

The Bardneshandeh has no wall and fence and consists of three parts: palace, the residence of ruler and the holy flat that was the same temple located in the east of the palace. Therefore, it shows that a king lived there, too. The length of this ancient area is about 700 meters and its width 2500 meters.

If you stand in the area of Bardneshande you are overlooking the plain and can see the wide plain surrounded by the mountains. Bardneshandeh temple has three rows of stairs in which there are some holes like chamber.

Research show that the construction of the first roofed temple backs to the time of Ardeshir II and Bardneshandeh temple is the first open temple in Iran. therefore, the religious rituals and ceremonies were hold there in that period of time.

The statue of Heraclius that is kept in Susa museum, was discovered from the same place. The height of this statue is about two meters. Other objects were also discovered such as pottery wares and coins. These objects are kept in different museums. Bardneshande temple in Masjed Soleiman was inscribed in the Iran index of National Heritages in 1327 SH.

Experts believe that Bardneshandeh temple is mostly similar to Sarmasjed, in terms of antiquity and architecture. Sarmasjed is one of the attractions of Masjed Soleiman that was built in seventh century BC. Research shows that the architecture style of Sarmasjed that was without mortar and by just putting dry stones over each other, inspired the construction of Persepolis complex. Sarmasjed was also famous as Javidan Fire Temple.

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