Wood Carving (Golpayegan)

Wood Carving (Golpayegan)

Wood Carving (Golpayegan)


The main handicrafts of Golpayegan are rug weaving, felt making, kilim weaving, wood carving, calligraphy, painting, etc. Poetry, music and literature have also a long history in Golpayegan. The art of wood carving has had many famous masters since the past. 

The art of wood carving has a long history in Golpayegan and it is a kind of memorial from the past which has turned into the current form through a long evolution process. The history of wood carving in this city backs to the time when our ancestors got familiar with different usages of wood; in other words, the history of wood carving in Golpayegan is not something different from the history of using wood. According to archaeologists and historians, the history of using wood for building structures in Iran backs to the 4200 years ago, in the same time as stone age. It is the time when the locals lived in Iran before the mass immigration of Arians. Wood carvers depict a various range of motives on the walnut and pear wood pieces through a specific cutter. They also make a variety of decorative objects through combining the natural texture of the skin of some trees like Russian olive and forest trees and then, pasting them on the surface of the carving artwork. 

Different kinds of photo frames, containers and wood carving boxes are made by the artists. They are also visible in the decorative objects and decorations, as well as art shops. This significant art has a long history in Golpayegan. Among the ancient examples of this art, we can mention to the upper parts of the entrance of Imamzadeh Hefdah Tan, the pulpit and door of the mosque in Saravar village and the door of the mosque in Imamzadeh Abolfotuh Vanshan. The most famous masters in this art are Heydar Qashoqtarash, Habibollah Yadegari, Abdolhossein Moazemmi, Mokhtari brothers (Ali and Mohammad), Mohammad Reza Tavassoli, Ahmad Mohseni, Mohammad Ali Fakhari, Hossein Fakhari and Heidar Niknam (some of his works in Imam Reza Museum). The restoration of the Saheb al-Zamman pulpit in Goharshad mosque has also made by Heydar Niknam Golpayegani.  

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