
Kerman Province
Time Zone


Few Clouds

Mahan is located in 35 km southeastern of Kerman in the western hillside of Palvar and Sirch and northeast of Jupar Mountain at the height of 1895 meters above the sea level.

The climatic conditions of this city are mountainous with cold winter and moderate summer.

Mahan district consists of three cities as ”Mahan“, ”Jupar“,”Mohiaba” and two rural districts as “Qanatghestan“ and “Mahan“.

Mahan is the best climate region near to Kerman that enjoys a global reputation due to having Shahzadeh Garden, One of the most beautiful Iranian gardens with a global reputation and “Shah Nimatullah vali“ shrine, the famous Iranian mystic, with a combined style of garden making and architecture.

This city is one of the summer regions of Kerman with a relatively abundant springs and streams. Persian Gardens, high peaks in white, old architecture, numerous religious places such as holy shrines, Imamzadeh Hossein, Imamzadeh Abdollah and Imamzade  Mohammad (pbuh) shrines  and  historical  places  such as Hammam of  Shahzade  garden (The  Bath  of  Shahadeh  garden), Shotorgelu mansion, windmill, Alavi Seven gardens, Bigler Beygi (Motevali Bashi) mansion and so on are the tourism attractions of Mahan.

Agriculture products of this city are pomegranate and grapes and the most important souvenir is caraway. People of this city speak in Farsi with Kermani dialect; they are Muslims and Shia.

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