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Meymand is the name of a city located in the Meymand district of Firoozabad County in Fars province, about 100 kilometers from Shiraz. Meymand is situated in the last advanced areas of the Zagros Mountains in a hot and dry region in the south, and its location has made it have a moderate climate and be cooler than neighboring areas. The main importance of Meymand is due to its large gardens of Mohammadi and rose flowers, which have made it the second-largest producer of rose water in Iran after Kashan. The pleasant scent of Mohammadi flowers in the spring can be smelled from kilometers away, and every year many tourists are attracted to the city of Meymand.

The narrow Atashgah Canyon, Mount Sefidar, the springs, and its beautiful gardens, where the main product is Mohammadi flowers for the production of rose water, are among the recreational centers of Meymand city.


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