Conciliation Alley (Yazd)

Conciliation Alley (Yazd)

Conciliation Alley (Yazd)


Also known as the alley of love and kindness, the conciliation alley has been a narrow alley which made people to get closer to each other. This structure indicates the art and creativity in Persian architecture particularly in the desert areas. These allies are still fresh and alive in the old districts of some cities like Isfahan and Yazd. However, in some other cities like Tehran just a few of them have been left, in the heart of the old city; like in Udlajan district.  

With all these, the first city evoked by the name of the conciliation alley is Yazd; a city of adobe and clay with some houses which have been durable enough over many years not to be collapsed or burnt. These houses are a main part of this ancient city making it the first adobe and the second historical city in the world with roofed ached allies which get pointed in some parts for the passengers to be relieved.  

Also known as Sabat, these allies are abundance in the older districts of Yazd, like Fahadan and Bazar No. Alongside these historical Sabats, there are many narrow, but not dark, allies shadowing the passengers which were created through the density of the texture of the architectural structure, that is the people’s houses. They can so settle down the relationships, appreciate the kindness and spread the sincerity and intimacy. 

The essence of the traditional architecture of Iran is driven from the high human values, respect to people, just like the same kindness and conciliation allies. Two broken down people are forced to look at each other’s eyes, smile and hug, something that is a difficult job even for an alderman. Yes, here is Yazd, with a named tight with the god and gods. So, it needs some ally here, full of love and kindness prepared to make intimacy and sincerity. 

Walking in these allies remines us of the lifelong and short-time anger and conciliation, deep friendships, those lovers who unify and those who broke down. Located in the heart of Yazd- the city of adobe and memory-, these conciliation allies were registered in the list of UNESCO heritages in 1396 AH, Tir 18.

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