Imamzadeh Ibrahim in Kermanshah

Imamzadeh Ibrahim in Kermanshah


Imamzadeh Ibrahim in Kermanshah

Few Clouds

The Imamzadeh Mosque is one of the tourist attractions of Kermanshah province, located in the Gachkan neighborhood of Kangavar city, northwest of the Shrine of Prince Ibrahim. This mosque is a two-story building, with a prayer hall on the upper floor and a cold-water pool (Sardab) on the lower one. The mihrab is located at the end of the western side, which is decorated by a carved stone frame with a thickness of seven centimeters in the form of a cornice. The marble stones inside the mihrab are adorned with geometric patterns, flowers, and bushes. The Sardab of the mosque is built underneath the prayer hall, and there is a flowing blue water stream inside it, which was used for drinking and ablution. The original building of the Imamzadeh dates back to the Safavid era but, due to an earthquake in 1957, it was partially destroyed and replaced by a new building with a similar design but larger dimensions. The Imamzadeh Mosque is located in the Gachkan neighborhood of Kangavar city, northwest of the Shrine of Prince Ibrahim.

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