Akbar Joojeh


The emergence of a new food sometime returns to a special place or person and remains in the life of the people for years, the story of Akbar Joojeh is one of these foods. A food which introduced as the food brand in the northern region of Iran and export across the country due to the people’s interest to it. Akbar Joojeh is a delicious Iranian food that its name is taken from Haj Ali Akbar Kalbadi, who is known as the founder of Akbar Joojehh restaurant in Mazandaran.

Chain restaurants of Akbar Joojeh were started from a small cafe in old road of Gelogah county in the east of Mazandaran province that served the local chickens flavored with salt, pepper, lemon and fried in abundant oil with grenadine as seasoning and food supplement fragrant saffron rice of the north to his customers. This food does not have onion and saffron unlike Saffron barbecued chicken, but it's possible to add them if you interested in.

Drinks such as Dough is served with this food.

In addition to restaurants, Akbar Joojeh is cooked in most of houses in the north of Iran and also sporadically in other parts of Iran in different times of years.

This delicious and valuable food is special to Mazandaran and Golestan provinces and also Akbar Joojeh restaurant has branches in other cities such as Tehran, Semnan, Northern Khorasan and etc.

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