Laton Waterfall

Laton Waterfall


Laton Waterfall

Few Clouds

Laton Waterfall is one of the highest waterfalls in Iran to such an extent that some belief in it to be the highest waterfall or the highest Four Season waterfall of the country. It has consisted of three large natural pools and three waterfalls with ten meters distance between them. Totally, the height of this waterfall is estimated to be about 170 meters.

Laton Waterfall is located in the city of Astara. Astara is a border city between Iran and Azerbaijan country that is placed in the east of Gilan province. It can be said that Astara is located in the extreme northwest of Iran. Laton waterfall in Astara is 15kilometers south of the city and is also co-border with Ardabil, the province. 

Laton waterfall originates from Espineh or Espinas, with 2105meters height, flows through Lavandvil river that is a long river with seventeen kilometers length. It finally flows into the Caspian Sea. 

It is approximately six kilometers from the route of tumbling Laton waterfall to the nearest village namely Kuteh Kumeh. Several hot water springs can be seen in this route. After passing a difficult and precipice route the Laton waterfall finally appears in distance.

The forest cover in the surrounding fields of Lahton Waterfall is extremely diverse. There are different species of trees such as plums, quince, pears, hazelnut, walnut, common medlar and wild apple. Among the interesting animal diversity in this region one can refer to the wolf, hog and hedgehog.

One interesting point about Laton waterfall is that its appearance varies based on the season because its water level changes continuously due to the climatic conditions in each season. It caused people to know this wonderful waterfall as a Four Season waterfall in the northwest of Iran.

It should also be mentioned that there is a castle on top of the waterfall that is called Espinas, too. One can reach this castle and visit it through passing a route by mountain climbing. That is why the beautiful Laton waterfall has always been an interesting destination for those tourists, nature lovers and nature trekkers who are professionally occupied with rock climbing.

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