Lake Quri-gol

Lake Quri-gol

Bostan Abad

Lake Quri-gol

Few Clouds

Sahand and Sabalan mountains, the presence of Arasbaran forests embracing ancient trees which have been nationally inscribed- such as the old tree in the Zegilak village, Ahar city, and the old tree of Karangan village- as well as the hot water springs which exist in most cities in East Azerbaijan province give the province an incredible appearance. In addition, springs like travertine-maker spring named Soufian and wetlands with fictional scenery are welcoming those tourists who are extremely interested in the nature trekking. 

If you are seeking a pristine natural attraction where you can both enjoy bird watching and photograph, Lake Quri-gol in East Azerbaijan province will be the best choice for you. 

Take the Tabriz-Tehran transitional road and after about forty kilometers, eighteen kilometers before Bostan Abad, a natural depression will appear in front of you, on the heights of Shabali neck. It was formed as a result of the geological activities and the movement of the Tabriz fault. Rainfall and the springs placed at the bottom of the fault have turned this natural crack into a wetland that is called “Lake Quri-gol” by the locals. With stagnant water without even one catchment area, this wetland consists of a soil that is not only impenetrable but also includes several springs which made the wetland full of water in all seasons of the year. Another amazing feature of this wetland is its fresh water which can be easily changed into drinking water through a filtration system. 

Lake Quri-gol is four kilometers long, four kilometers wide, spreading in an area of sixteen square kilometers. The depth of the wetland is four meters and a half, reaching thirteen meters in the deepest part. 

The lake is surrounded by green grasslands, lush trees, fields and farms providing tourists and travelers with a space where the scenery of flying the migratory birds against the surrounding mountains is making spectacular landscapes. The wetland is the habitat of animals such as wolf, fox, beech marten and aquatic birds like white-headed duck, marbled duck, ferruginous duck and unique plants and reptiles which are in an urgent need to protective plans. 

In order to protect the natural sources of the lake, it has already been introduced as “No Hunting Zone”. On the other hand, in 1975, the wetland was officially inscribed in the Ramsar Convention to be seriously protected and considered. 

Although the successive draughts in recent days reduced the water of the wetland, the water level raised again as a result of the last rainfalls revitalizing the original quality of this international habitat. 

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