Anarak Caravanserai

Anarak Caravanserai


Anarak Caravanserai

Few Clouds

One of the historical monuments in Anarak, which is located in the historical region of the city - Robat Mahale- is Anarak caravanserai. Caravanserai was a roadside inn where travelers and caravaners could rest and recover from the day's journey; thus, Anarak caravanserai is also located on the Isfahan-Mashhad route. According to the marble inscription installed on the wall of the Anarak caravanserai, this building was built in 1893. It was built by Haj Mohammad Ali Haj Haidar Anaraki. There is no more news about this marble stone because it was stolen in 1999.

This building from the Qajar period, which is also known as "Mashjar" caravanserai, is square in shape and built with four porches. When you enter, you can see a large courtyard surrounded by a room known as Hojreh or two royal residences which are located on the west and east sides.

The materials used in this caravanserai are stone, clay, and brick that the inside and outside of which are made of bricks. The area of this building is 1600 square meters and was nationally registered in 2006. For several years, officials have been repairing walls and collapsed tiles, and rebuilding the entrance to the main facade and the porch in front of it. After renovation, this beautiful caravanserai has become a place to host travelers and tourists. Travelers who intend to stay in the desert or want to experience a nature trip can see both the desert and the surrounding mountains in Anarak. Or they can make a memorable day and night in a traditional atmosphere in this residence. Tourists traveling to Anarak and staying in this caravanserai can see celestial bodies and observe the stars. They can also ride camels. Staying at this historic inn can be a natural historical journey for you.


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