Pich-e Adran Waterfall

Pich-e Adran Waterfall


Pich-e Adran Waterfall

Few Clouds

Chalus road is one of the most beautiful roads of Iran and of the main road of linking Karaj and Tehran people to the north of Iran. having meandrous and exciting routes, natural and attractive landscapes, this road is used as the communicational way between Karaj and Chalus and vice versa.  In addition, the road itself has dozens of natural and beautiful attractions that make it a popular and busy tourism destination.

Pich-e Adran waterfall is among the current waterfalls of Alborz that can be reached through this road, in a distance of 15 kilometers. This waterfall is the result of melting snows during the spring and summer.

The height of Pich-e Ardran waterfall is about ninety meters and that is why it is considered as one of the highest waterfalls of Iran. Originated from the heart of a rock, this beautiful waterfall pours down and after passing a route flows into the Karaj river. Adran name is driven from the name of a village in Asara county, Karaj city.

Although spring and summer are the best times for visiting this waterfall, some crystalline and impressive candelabras are formed in this waterfall, during the winter, that makes it extremely spectacular.

Pich-e Adran waterfall is not the only waterfall existing in the region and you see several other small waterfalls on your way to reach it that are called Haft-Cheshmeh. They are approximately fifty meters of height. In addition, on top of this waterfall and along this beautiful and small valley, there is another great waterfall pouring down over a wall covered by ferns and mosses.

The valley leading to the waterfall is covered in willow trees, bushes and shrubs that are common along the rivers. Also, there are some stones and rocks on the rout of the waterfall blowing over them needs a physical readiness. Natural springs and caves are among other landscapes of this area.

Being close to Karaj and Tehran cities creates an opportunity for the people of these cities to spend their weekend here.

The high mountains of the sough, the fast-flowing river of Karaj, pure springs and waterfalls that spray the cold water on the face of their visitors all present a unique gift of a pristine nature to their visitors.

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