Abyaneh Village

Abyaneh Village


Abyaneh Village

Few Clouds

Abyaneh village is one of the most specific villages of Iran with a good sight and climate, an appropriate natural situation where all the houses has been constructed on the hillside at the north of the Barzrood River with a beautiful and pleasant architecture. The form of village houses are limaceous, adobe, brick and stone related to Sassanid, Seljuk, Safavid and Qajar eras and there is no dead end alley in this village. The old houses of village have been built with the coverage of red soil, which are highly protected against the rain, on the hillside.

In addition to the tourist and historical attractions of this village such as, natural sights, house’s architecture, historical and religious places including fire temple, mosque, shrines and castles, Rose oil extraction (End of Ordibehesht), the custom of this tourist village which is greatly important for local people is also the cause of attracting tourists to this region. Jame mosque of Abyaneh is one of the oldest historical monuments with a highly beautiful wooden and wood carving pulpit.



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